"Bigger?" he said. "Biblical. Biblical flooding is the next level up."

Good ole' Harvey. His name is likely to be retired from the list of hurricane names, kind of like they do with famous sports people. Harvey's claim to fame? He was a huge jerk.

While I was in line, I got the news that my brother-in-law and nephew had to evacuate by boat. They live in the house my husband grew up in, the house his parents have owned for close to 50 years. Never once has it come to close to flooding. It has about a foot of water in it now. My husband picked them up in the parking lot of a hotel, which is also flooding.
Wait, you said it stopped raining.

It's supposed to get worse before it gets better. Better might be a few days or weeks or, in some cases, months. My heart is breaking for them and the thousands of others displaced, waiting desperately to make sure their homes are okay and being devasted to learn they are not.
After days of feeling helpless, after watching the water come to our very doorstep Sunday night, I decided to volunteer at a local church set up as a shelter. These shelters are everywhere--at schools, a conventions centers, at church, daycares, and even martial arts centers. As one building reaches compacity, another opens somewhere, and more people fill it.

I ended up at a local church, where I was sent out to pick up some newly-rescued evacuees. My friend and I arrived at the end of the staging area for the rescues. There were huge military trucks, police cars, people arriving with boats, and extra tall utility vehicles specifically designed for water rescues.
It was in the parking lot of a gas station I met one woman, about my mom's age, dressed in bright pink. She was surrounded by four or five pieces of luggage and she was alone.
"Do you need help?" we asked her. "We can take you to a shelter."
"I'll think about it," she said, her eyes wide, hand shaking slightly. In shock and utterly alone. About 75% of the people rescued have someone to call to pick them up, but the others don't. We finally did talk her into letting us help her. She came back to the shelter and seemed to relax a little. Everything she owns is in those suitcases. Who knows what will be left when she gets back.
I drove a family of three--Mom, Dad, and a little girl--back to my side of town. Their plan was to wait in the parking lot of a closed mall until a relative from San Antonio came to pick them up. "We're okay, we don't need a shelter," they said.

Maybe they'll come back and maybe not.
So many people. So many more stories.
But, today, we also saw the sun for the first time in days. "The sun is out," the woman I drove to the shelter said, that same woman with nothing but four bags of clothes and wet shoes. "God's taking care of it."
If she can say that, so can I.
If you aren't local but would like to help in some way with Hurricane Harvey relief, here are a few churches and organizations in our area taking monetary donations:
Kingsland Baptist Disaster Relief
Katy Christian Ministries Donate to Recovery
Mayde Creek High School Amazon Hurricane Wishlist for Families--Approximately 2000 students have been displaced by the flood. This wish list was started by a teacher. The school is inaccessible so donations are shipped to the teacher for distribution.
Adopt a Houston Classroom
Texas Diaper Bank
L.I.F.E. Houston
Baker Ripley
Houston Furniture Bank
Northwest Alliance Ministries
Hope Impacts
Clothed By Faith
Pregnancy Help Center
Christ Clinic
Animal Help
Jurassic Bark Rescue
Kitten House Rescue
Crossfire Equine Rescue
Special Pals Shelter
Fort Bend County Animal Services
Houston SPCA
If you know of any LOCAL organizations helping, please comment below and I'll update the list.
And national organizations like:
Donors Choose Hurricane Relief for Classrooms
YouCaring Flood Relief Organized by JJ Watt
Preemptive Love
Samaritan's Purse
And, most importantly, pray.