Monday, July 25, 2016

Our Summer, So Far

We're half-way through summer now and that means we've reached the point where I start to panic.  I should start getting ready for school  and yet, I'm pretty sure we haven't done a single one of the things we planned to do this summer because we had all the time in the world to do them.  How did this happen?

I decided to take a moment and reflect upon what we have done.  I thought I'd share the list with you so if you're feeling like summer has almost slipped past, maybe you'll find an idea or two (eh hem, don't hold your breath).

1. Giant water bed.  In a moment of insanity, I hopped on Pinterest and searched for fun summer ideas.  There were roughly 17 million but I chose this Giant Outdoor Waterbed  because it seemed easy (and cheap) and I could get what I needed at Walmart.  For some reason, instead of following the instructions, I folded it like a hot dog instead of a hamburger (my kindergarten teacher will be so disappointed in me) which made it very long (25 feet) and narrow (about 5 feet wide).  It took a lot of tape but the kids loved it.  It ended up being good sensory play activity and, when all the water drained out over night, they used it as a slip-in-slide.  Win-win.

2.  Picnic Dinners.  In an effort to spend some quality time as a family (and save money), we've (um. I've) been packing up a simple dinner and taking it to the park, usually on Saturday evenings.  It's still hot, really hot, but slightly less hot than the inferno it would be earlier in the day.  We've discovered a new park and I've had fun not having to do the dishes. Overall, these have been great memory-making times for our family. 

Taken on one of our picnic lunches.
A favorite of mine.

3.  Cleaned (and made messes) and cleaned. I've been working with the older boys on taking more responsibility around the house.  They've helped with loading and unloading the dishes, taking the garbage out, cleaning up their room, folding clothes, as well as helping in other areas of the house. It's slow going and I need to be more intentional.  Sometimes, it's just easier to do it myself but I know these are skills they need and I need the help!  I am happy to say that Daniel is now vacuuming, which is a big thing for a kiddo with autism.  Noises like vacuums can be very bothersome but he's been a trooper and doesn't seem to mind.  In fact, he asked to vacuum on the day this picture was taken.
I like his style.  Vacuum in one hand; iPad in the other.  Whatever gets the job done!

4.  Withering in the Sun.  It's been hot.  Seriously, seriously hot, sticky, gross weather that only summer in Houston can serve up.  That keeps us inside more than we'd like and when we do go out, well, it's just too hot to do much.

5.  Parks!  We've hit a few parks around town but the key is to go early.  By 10:30, it's already 90 degrees and feels closer to 100 with the humidity.  It makes for very hot, sweaty kids and playground equipment that practically burns when you touch it.  So, we end up exploring more than playing.  

This is one of our favorite parks that butts up to a farm. 

6. Zoo.  The zoo is one of our favorite places to go even though we haven't gone as often as we'd liked this summer.  We have gotten one amazing trip in which you can read about HERE

7. A New Pet.  Because I needed one more thing to take care of around here, I let Ben talk me into getting a hermit crab.  So far, he seems pretty undemanding and Gideon has only managed to get in his tank once.  We named him Taco because what else do you name a hermit crab?

Gideon and Ben sharing a moment over Taco.  

8. Swimming.  We are so very thankful to have friends with pools! When we can't get over to someone's house, we have a small kiddie pool in the backyard. These kids are like fish; they'd stay in the water all day long. 

9. Pokemon Go! Yes, we drank the Kool-aid.  It's pretty impressive that a game can make people get out and start moving.  Great for the kids; bad for my cell phone battery. Ben has been the most interested and we've gone out a couple of times, walking a mile or more. We've also met a few new friends from the neighborhood (we live close to a Pokestop).  That being said, Ben won't be doing it by himself any time soon since he pays zero attention to where he's going.  

I realized as I made this list that most of the items were free or very inexpensive.  Cheap has definitely been the theme this summer. Sometimes I can't help but feel guilty but then I'm reminded that all our kids really want is our time and attention. Yes, it would be nice to afford to do more but there's something special about enjoying our downtime or not rushing to be somewhere if we don't have to. We'll have plenty of busyness soon enough.  Sometimes it's boring (trust me, I've heard it more than once in the last hour) but being bored isn't a bad thing.  The best kind of things happened when your kids are bored and don't want to be anymore--fort building, play acting, games, reading--and it also makes them appreciate when they get to do something different and special.

So, here's to our slightly boring, inexpensive, hot, but fun summer so far! 

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Did you enjoy this read?  Want a good place to start?  Click hereTelling the Truth


  1. Honestly, it sounds like you have had LOADS of fun! I have wanted to do the big water bag thing here too but now we have dogs that would probably puncture it in about 2 seconds. Sigh...enjoy the rest of your summer! To me it sounds like you have done it all! ;)

    1. I think it just looks more fun in pictures. LOL. If you ask the kids, we haven't done ANYTHING. I bet you all have done more than you think!
